Inside Security GmbH
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Managed Firewall
Managed VPN Gateway
Managed Antivirus Mailserver
Antivirus Content Gateway

Inside Security Rescue Toolkit

INSERT is a complete, bootable linux system. It comes with a graphical user interface running the fluxbox window manager while still being sufficiently small to fit on a credit card-sized CD-ROM.

INSERT contains a multitude of useful tools to be at your hand in a variety of situations:

full read-write support for NTFS-partitions using captive
support for linux software RAID and LVM
support for WLAN adapters
network analysis (e.g. nmap, tcpdump)
disaster recovery (e.g. parted, gpart, partimage, testdisk, recover)
virus scanning (Clam Antivirus)
computer forensics (e.g. chkrootkit, rootkit hunter)
surf the internet (e.g. links-hacked, AxY FTP)
network boot server to boot network boot enabled clients that cannot boot from the CD
based on Linux kernel 2.4.27 and Knoppix 3.6

INSERT v1.2.16 is released under the GNU General Public License. Please read the terms of use. After that you can download the latest version free of charge from Sourceforge as a ready-to-burn ISO-image of about 50MB, which fits exactly on a credit card-sized CD-ROM.
Please verify the proper download of the image with the supplied MD5-hash.
Also available is the German version of INSERT.

Here you can grab a screenshot, the CHANGELOG and the list of applications.

You may wish to visit the INSERT project page on where you can subscribe to the announcement of new releases.

We continually try to improve INSERT and are glad to receive your suggestions and bug reports at

TODO - planned and most wanted features and additions

Soon to come: a tool to install INSERT on a USB memory stick.
Still more Documentation has to be added.
Add ethereal - the network sniffer.
Integrate a tool for reading PDFs (xpdf), so that people can access our information material on the CD :-)
Add more tools for disaster recovery and network analysis.


We like to thank all programmers of the open source software community. Without them most of the cool stuff that resembles the internet would just not be there.
Some ideas for INSERT were taken from Damn small linux.
Special thanks go to Klaus Knopper for KNOPPIX on which INSERT is heavily based and wouldn't exist without.

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